sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Caribbean amphibians and reptiles

From the Back Cover

The most numerous, diverse, and frequently encountered animals on Caribbean islands are amphibians and reptiles.Caribbean Amphibians and Reptilestakes a detailed look at this amazing assemblage of organisms. With its island-by-island coverage of the herpetofauna, this volume is the first overview of the fascinating region and also includes an historical examination of the people who have studied Caribbean amphibians and reptiles. In addition, the ecology, evolutionary history, and biogeographica exlanations of the origins and diversity of the fauna are reviewed. Finally, these Caribbean animals are compared to the amphibian and reptile diversity of Central America. Throughout the volume are figures, tables, and a section of color plates that bring to life some of the region's spectacular creatures. 

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Tamaño 25 Mb
Extensión: .Pdf
Servidor: Google Drive (Nuevo servidor al 2016)
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