domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

The biology of sea turtles Volume II


The success of the first volume of The Biology of Sea Turtles revealed a need for broad but comprehensive reviews of recent major advances in sea turtle biology. At that time, book size constraints as well as the fast-paced changes in some fields dictated that this need could be only partially addressed in a single volume. Many important topics were not covered and were left for future volumes. Volume II emphasizes practical aspects of biology that relate to sea turtle management and changes in marine and coastal ecosystems. These topics include the interactions of humans and sea turtles, an introduction to sea turtle anatomy, sensory and reproductive biology, sea turtle habitat use and ecology, stress and health, and the maintenance of captive animals. This volume provides both historical and up-to-presstime information. The field is growing dramatically as established scientists expand their views and fine new scientists bring their novel ideas, techniques, and perspectives to the understanding and application of the biology of marine turtles.

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