jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

The amphibians and reptiles of Alberta: a field guide and primer boreal Herpetology (Full book)

Preface to the second edition (fragmento)

IN THE SEVEN YEARS since the appearance of the first edition of this book, Albertan herpetology has experienced a period of dynamic growth. Much of this has been focussed on the task of gaining basic information on the biology and ecology of amphibians and reptiles in this province, and on determining the status of their popula- tions. Thus, there is now in progress the production of a series of status reports on the wildlife of Alberta, which will include all reptile and amphibian species. Currently eight species have been documented in this way (report numbers placed in parentheses): Ambystoma macrodactylum (22), Bufo cognatus (14), Bufo hemiophrys (12), Rana luteiventris (17), Rana pipiens (9), Phrynosoma hernandesi (5), Heterodon nasicus (15), and Crotalus viridis (6). 

This undertaking of Alberta Fish and Wildlife has greatly enhanced our knowledge of the herpetofauna of this province and will provide a baseline for future monitoring and for the addressing of conservation issues, in concert with the activities of the Alberta Conservation Association. The last seven years have witnessed significant activities in the study and documentation of the herpetofauna of the entire North American continent. Such work has a major impact on the under- standing of our more localized fauna. For example, five of the eigh- teen species of amphibians and reptiles occurring in Alberta have undergone name changes, and another (Ambystoma tigrinum) is in a state of flux. This does not indicate mere caprice on behalf of the researchers involved, but rather reflects that with intensified study we are able to refine our understanding of these species, to more adequately circumscribe them, and thus more appropriately develop strategies for issues pertinent to conservation.

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