viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Amphibian declines: the conservation status of United States species

Preface (in part) 

For much of the past decade and a half, reports of amphibian declines and developmental malformations have been featured in the scientific and popular press. These reports typically open or close with the question: Are amphibians telling us something about the state of the environment—are they canaries in the coal mine? The answer to this question, we now know, is an unequivocal yes. The first hint that all was not well with amphibians came at the First World Congress of Herpetology, held in Canterbury, England, in 1989. Here, the impression of amphibian losses by many respected herpetologists from around the world led to a 1990 workshop held in Irvine, California, entitled “Declining Amphibian Populations: A Global Phenomenon?” (Wake and Morowitz, 1991). At this meeting it became apparent that there was good reason for concern: amphibian disappearances that biologists had previously felt were simply a local problem were not—the problem was global. And what was most disturbing about these discussions was not that amphibians are disappearing from areas disturbed by humans (this was expected), but rather that they are disappearing in regions of the world once thought to be pristine.

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