sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

Lizard Ecology 2007 (Full book)

Book Review
The foraging mode of lizards has been a central theme in guiding research in lizard biology for three decades. Foraging mode has been shown to be a pervasive evolutionary force molding the diet, ecology, behavior, anatomy, biomechanics, life history, and physiology of lizards. This 2007 volume reviews the knowledge on the effects of foraging mode on these and other organismal systems to show how they have evolved, over a wide taxonomic survey of lizard groups. The reviews presented here reveal the continuous nature of foraging strategies in lizards and snakes, providing the reader with a review of the field, and will equip researchers with fresh insights and directions for the sit-and-wait vs. wide foraging paradigm. This will serve as a reference book for herpetologists, evolutionary biologists, ecologists and animal behaviorists.

This publication will certainly be a useful resource for those interested in the evolution of animal foraging and traits associated with different foraging strategies, but it will also appeal to other herpetologists, behavioral ecologists, and evolutionary ecologists."
Jerry F. Husak, The Quarterly Review of Biolog.
Edited by

Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio University

Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University

Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio University 
Portada de la publicación

Datos generales de la descarga
Extensión: .Pdf
Tamaño: 9.7 mb 
Servidor: Mediafire
Comprimido en .Zip
Password para descomprimir: www.projectherps.blogspot.mx/
Calidad: Excelente
Tipo: Libro completo
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